
Making My Case

My case against french fries: potatoes, of themselves, are a fine food. However, if they are deep fried, eating them can affect my health, my weight, lay the groundwork for future conditions that could really jeopardize my health. As a matter of fact, eating anything that is deep-fried is not good for me, not just eating french fries. It is like french fries are a wolf in sheep‘s clothing; they look so attractive and harmless. I can tell myself, “I can share an order “but really, it’s an excuse to eat them. There they are – gilded with crunch and salt, piping hot. And really what they are is a steppingstone to diabetes and high blood pressure.

It is also easy to dismiss them as harmless – if I only eat them at a restaurant. The fact that they are considered “treats “is a red flag that in fact they are not. I am saying no to french fries and will mourn them and get on with my life.

– Pat H.