My sponsor always asks “Are you better off in OA or our of OA?” And my answer to this question is I am definitely better in OA. God willing, I will have 5 years of abstinence April 18, 2023. I was first introduced to this amazing program in 1987and for the next 15 yeas I was actively involved in OA and it literally changed my life physically, emotionally and spiritually. I lost 167 lbs. and did service at the group, intergroup, region and world service levels.
But in 2002 I mad a fateful decision to leave OA and focus on my financial problems.The result was 10 years of hell, including a 100 lb. weight gain and suicidal thinking. Five years ago I moved to Kentucky, got a great sponsor and began working the steps again. I have lost about half of the weight I had regained and my relationship with my Higher Power is stronger then ever. I have returned to service at the group and intergroup level and recently attended my first region assembly as a “Green Dot”.
I can now say, with conviction, life is much better in OA then out of OA!
— Ed L.