A day in my life is boring except for a few days a month. I go to the PO box a few times a month. Then I open the mail & separate any checks to be deposited from any bills to be paid. I fill out a receipt for any donations & email or mail the receipt along with a new donation form and a form listing the percentage & address for World Service, Region 5 & Intergroup. I make a deposit & post it to our bank register. There is a separate page that lists the meeting that made a donation or if it was an individual. I pick up anything at the PO box at the end of the month so it can be deposited that month. Now comes my busy time. I get the information from the bank listing the activities to the account. I do not write many checks because most monthly expenses go on a debit card. The Check Register needs to be completed with any activity and it needs to go on the Monthly Report as income or what expense it is applied to. When it balances, I complete the Monthly Summary which shows total income and expenses. It also includes the yearly summary. I need to have it completed before the monthly Board Meeting and email it to the board members. Following the Board’s approval, these reports are sent out in an e-blast before the Intergroup Meeting. A new month has started & I repeat my actions. At the end of our fiscal year, I have a couple of tax reports to complete.
As a Board member, I am responsible for participating on a committee. I belong to the Super Committee and attend the monthly meeting and participate in any events we plan.
Thank you for allowing me to do service. It makes my program stronger. I really thought I would have a few sentences. I have come to enjoy being involved with the Board & Intergroup. My term is up December 31, 2024. I can’t believe how fast the time is going..
– Gail K., Intergroup Treasurer