
A Day in the Life of a new Region Representative at Assembly (A Green Dot)

I was a little anxious about how the Spring Region 5 assembly would go. I had my agenda and all my other papers but I felt new and inexperienced. I knew everyone would be friendly and that I would at least know the people I was traveling with but what would it be like to do a 3 day business meeting?

I am half way through the weekend and I find myself pleasantly surprised. Everyone has good questions and the topics discussed are relevant.

How did I end up here? I have one and a half years of abstinence and I”ve been in OA for 4 years. I’ve lost and and kept off 57 pounds. I am committed to the OA way of life. HP has given me a life that has purpose and joy and I don’t ever want to go back to the depression, self pity and selfishness of my life before OA. I had been an intergroup representative for 2 years when the call came for a delegate. I thought “What’s a delegate?” I asked a couple of board members and a former WSO trustee what a delegate does. I found out that a delegate represents intergroup at Region 5 Assemblies and World Service Business Conference. We vote on policies that affect OA as a whole. I was voted in by my fellows in December and now I’m sitting here at my first Region Assembly. And I am going to WSBC in April.

Since its my first assembly and will be my first World Service Business Conference, I’m considered a “Green Dot”. My name tag has an actual green dot on it which signifies that I am new and might ask questions or need direction during the meetings. Everyone has been so welcoming and generous with their time. They’ve made it easy for me to be involved and join in.

I know HP gave me the desire to serve as a delegate and I am so happy to do it. I’ve found that if God gives me a nudge to do something and I do it, the results are so much better then if I resist what God is calling me to do. Doing this service is just right for me right now and I am sure HP will give me the ability to do it well. Next month I’m off to Albuquerque where I will again be a Green Dot. I will have to chance to serve HP, other delegates, my region, my intergroup and help myself. I look forward as I trudge the Happy Road of Destiny. You can’t beat that!

— Yvonne C.