
World Service Business Conference Report by Sheryl G.

I am grateful for the opportunity to attend the 2023 WSBC Conference representing Region 5 as a Delegate. I was considered a Green Dot (first time attendee), even though I had attended WSBC ages ago (over 20+ years ago). I was asked by another attendee if things had changed immensely since the last time I was there. I had to honestly state, many things were different, but there were also several things that remained the same.

I am excited to serve on the Conference Approved Literature Committee. I was impressed by the structure of the committee and how it runs like a well-oiled machine. Two pieces of new literature were being considered on the floor at this conference: “Diverse Voices: A Common Solution” and “Sponsorship in OA: Guiding Others Into Recovery”. Additionally, the committee had one piece already in the publication process: “OA Handbook for Members, Groups, and Service Bodies”, as well as one piece that the committee is working towards completing: “The Twelve Traditions Workshop and Study Guide”. I was pleased to be placed on the sub-committee working on that last piece of literature. During the Business Session, the two pieces of new literature were voted on. “Diverse Voices” was passed and “Sponsorship in OA” was defeated.

During the conference I visited the Reference Committee a couple of times to see how the process of discussion and recommendations coming from that committee were arrived at. The process was very interesting to observe, and I learned a lot just from observing.

Prior to conference, I was a bit overwhelmed by the 400+ page Delegate Binder that was sent to me in PDF format via emailed website. I downloaded it and began reading the week before conference. I am really glad I did, as I was somewhat familiar with the binder when I got to Albuquerque and got a physical copy of the binder that I could mark up and put sticky tabs all throughout to mark important sections. Especially helpful were the sections on Parliamentary Procedure terms and the Business Glossary of terms.

Some of the votes on Policy Motions and ByLaws Proposals did not go the direction that I had anticipated. It was enlightening to hear pros and cons and the variety of clarification questions that were entertained for many of the motions. In some instances, it changed my initial inclinations regarding the motions. Ultimately, the prevailing vote was always in favor of what was best for the good of OA as a whole.

I have grown and my program was strengthened as a result of attending the conference. It was good to end the conference with a nice banquet dinner together with the other delegates, followed by a dance and lots of fellowship with other recovering compulsive eaters. This is always a good time and I really enjoyed myself. Again, I want to thank Region 5 for affording me the opportunity to serve.

– Yours in service, Sheryl G.


World Service Business Conference Report by Diane A

To say that the Conference was exhilarating and exhausting, intense and informative, stressful and satisfying all at once, along with fun and fellowship doesn’t seem to cover it all! Yet, that is exactly how I would describe the privilege of having done service for Region 5 at this year’s World Service Business Conference.

Though having attended 2 other Conferences, one in the mid 90’s in Los Angeles and one in 2000 in Albuquerque, I do not recall the level of participation in the process that I had the opportunity of doing this year. We were sent to Conference well prepared by the World Service Office with a download of materials (400+ pages) to review of agendas, proposals, reports, glossary of parliamentary procedure of terms, workshops and OA meetings to attend throughout the week of Conference. Upon arrival we received a binder of all of those materials to assist us through the week of meetings. The entire week was well organized and there were so many Delegates, Trustees, Chairpersons and volunteers to assist answering any questions that we had.

Each Delegate participated on a committee and I had requested to be on the Bylaws Committee. The committee was then divided into subcommittees. Though I have very little knowledge of technology, I felt comfortable working with those who do have the expertise and I could assist by being the secretary of the group. This subcommittee will be working throughout the next year on ways to improve accessibility to the World Service, Inc Bylaws and Policies by way of developing an index of terms and links to quickly find information in the Bylaws and Policies, rather than, as it is now, viewing a pdf and scrolling through pages and pages to find pertinent information. The first step is for the subcommittee’s chairperson to contact the WSO Webmaster to determine feasibility. Our first subcommittee meeting will be on June 3, 2023.

Additionally, I was asked to serve on the Reference Subcommittee of the Bylaws Committee. This subcommittee provides a forum of discussion of New Business motions and Bylaws amendments. Its primary purpose is to provide problem-solving opportunities before the item is brought to, or returned to the Conference floor. (excerpt from “Reference Subcommittee Guidelines”). We met from early morning, through lunch time, dinner time and into the late evening hours between Business Sessions. After listening to makers of the original motions, and those members submitting amendments to those motions during or before Conference, questions are asked of those members proposing amendments by members of the Reference subcommittee, as well as non-reference subcommittee members for a period of time. Once all have been heard, the Reference subcommittee then begins a caucus of discussion to establish a consensus with all parties who have proposed an amendment/motion, to help with proper wording and eliminate duplication where similar motions are presented. I really enjoyed the work of this process, as it was more than just “word-smithing”. It embodied principles over personalities for the greater good of OA as a whole. Members from all Regions around the world were on this subcommittee to offer their input and perspective as it relates to global and diverse issues affecting everyone’s recovery. No final decision is made by this subcommittee; rather, that final outcome depends on the votes of Delegates when it returns to the Conference floor.

The two and a half days of Business Sessions were a true study in Principles over Personalities. Not all of the Proposals that were intended to be on the Conference floor for a vote made it there. Consideration for which ones, due to time constraints, needing to be heard were given priority. For me, the most impressive decision of all made by the entire body took place on the last day at the very end of the Conference. Two Bylaws proposals affecting Countries outside of the United States and Canadian Regions, involving National Service Boards, Intergroups and their geographic and Virtual Regions was on the floor to be voted. A motion was made to extend the closing of the Conference by 30 minutes so that more time could be given to hear Pros and Cons and to ask more questions about these concerns.

Members wanted more information to understand the issues in order to make an informed vote on behalf of those Countries on the other side of the planet! To me, that is Program in action, to extend the Hand and Heart of OA – for this I am responsible.

– Yours gratefully in service, Diane A.


World Service Business Conference Report by Evelyn S.

It was my privilege to attend this conference as a delegate representing the Chicago West Intergroup Farout (CHI-WIF) and Region 5. Much work was accomplished by and for the members and for OA as a whole. The theme and focus of this conference was “Concepts of Service: The Heart of Fellowship”. In attendance were a total of 176 delegates representing 14 different countries, including Italy, Greece, Israel, Iran, Brazil, Columbia, Spain, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine, Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States. Also being represented were several Virtual intergroups, including Young Peoples, Men’s, and Footsteps.

Much emphasis was given to the topics of Unity and Inclusiveness, and delegates were reminded that our discussions and our voting should be “for the good of OA as a whole”, to benefit all current and future members. As a new delegate, I appreciated the camaraderie and support we all received, as it was confusing and stressful at times to understand the proposals and motions and even the whole process. The other thing I appreciated and found so helpful as a first time attendee was being assigned a Mentor for the week, someone who has attended WSBC & wants to help the “newbies”. My mentor was from the Philadelphia PA area and she was great, explaining what was happening and what things meant, always doing it with humor and gentleness. She reminded me several times that I was supposed to be confused with it all and to just relax and do my best. We shared a few meals and down time together, and we are still in contact. This was another example of how “together we can do what we cannot do alone” in OA.

The conference process was amazing and so well organized. We would start each business session with the Serenity Prayer, and delegates from outside the U.S were invited to say the prayer in their own language. A touching moment for me with this was when the 2 delegates from Russia and the Ukraine stood in front of the whole assembly, held hands, and said this prayer in their own languages, then hugged each other. Beautiful! Then we got to the work of dealing with and voting on all the many proposals and motions included in our 462-page delegate binder. Parliamentary procedures were used throughout all the sessions, with pros and cons presented for each motion, as well as opportunities for questions. Everything was also timed and strictly adhered to. The chair of the Board of Trustees presided at all sessions, with support from all the trustees on the dais and a professional parliamentarian to make sure we followed protocol. At times, there was some tension and disagreement and strong opinions voiced with some of the proposals, but cooler heads prevailed after we paused to say the Serenity Prayer or the 3rd Step Prayer.

PROPOSALS/VOTING (there were several more than cited here)
1) A new book “Diverse Voices: A Common Solution” about recovery of underrepresented OA members was presented for publication. MOTION ADOPTED.

2) A second new book “Sponsorship in OA: Guiding Others into Recovery” was proposed to replace 2 sponsorship pamphlets. MOTION DEFEATED. Committee will review/rewrite and may be proposed next year.

3) Proposal to not use acronyms on all future official communications to service bodies, to avoid confusion in language translation. MOTION ADOPTED.

4) Proposal to change wording & definitions of open & closed and special-focus meetings in policy manuals. Motion was split into 2 motions, then wording “Specific” was added to “Focus” & “Topic” meetings, and “Meetings with Visitors” and “Meetings without Visitors” be used to define current “Open & Closed” meetings. BOTH MOTIONS ADOPTED.

5) Proposal to increase maximum member contribution per year from $5000 to $7500. MOTION ADOPTED.

6) Two Proposals to give OA Conference Approval to Alcoholics Anonymous literature. First one included just the AA Big Book & the AA 12/12. Second proposal included all AA Conference-approved literature. FIRST MOTION FAILED. SECOND MOTION PASSED.


Delegates were also assigned to committees, to work on issues & goals “for the good of OA as a whole”, that they developed in this conference. Committees will meet during the year and submit their work for review to the Board of Trustees for consideration at next year’s World Service Business Conference. I was assigned to the 12th Step Within committee (TSW) on a subcommittee that will review materials in the Documents Library of website and encourage members to use our website. Other TSW committee goals: to encourage intergroups to develop a 12 Step Within committee to grow service through workshops & sponsor banks; to develop greater awareness & encouragement of OA’s International 12 Step Within Day on 12/12 through flyers & workshops.


The Conference also included several workshops, mainly focusing on the theme of Service. Presenters from Israel and St.Louis stressed the importance of service to keep OA strong and united, especially since we are a global organization. They shared ideas on how to do this, such as workshops, visits to other meeting, and inviting sponsees to step up.


All Conference delegates were introduced to and given the duty of voting in new Trustees for the Board. 10 open positions, with 6 candidates vying. All 6 candidates were voted in by the body of delegates present.

A 7th Step collection was also collected from the delegates, totalling $2477.75.

On the last day of the Conference, all “Green Dots” were brought to the front of the ballroom and introduced and congratulated for attending. We removed our dots & were warmly cheered by the veteran delegates. We survived!

– Report respectfully submitted by Evelyn S.


What is in My Head?

“What’s in my head?” Disappointment, desire, wistfulness, resentment, restriction

Believing, trusting, honoring, resting, stepping, leaning

I am in God’s arms for today!

– Yvonne C


Displacing Higher Power

Hello Fellow Food Addicts!

I’m so grateful to be able to say that and know I am talking to people who understand that staying out of the food is about more than “ being on a diet”!

My name is Andrea F. I have been in OA for 40.5 years. It has saved my life in many ways and given me a whole new relationship with the Higher Power ( Who I call God) of my entire life. I always thought that God and food were two separate issues. Before program i practiced my religion of choice but continued to binge on a daily basis. It never dawned on me what was happening, but Program and working the Steps changed my insights and behaviors.

I had always pictured my HP ( God) in a certain place. Whenever I prayed I had a certain scenario in my head where God was. After working my program I realized that when I was binging or overeating, I was removing my HP from that scenario and placing food in His place! Food was displacing God in my life when I chose to eat. When I took the time to compare the benefits of God in that moment to the benefits of extra food the results were astounding!

Choosing God: peace, serenity, knowing I’m enough, knowing the power to live a sane and happy life comes from Him ( HP).

Choosing Food: fear, not enoughness, never being full, knowing food will only take more and more to even achieve a false serenity.

This is true in many other areas of my life as well. When I pull HP from the place I envision Him and replace Him with people pleasing and trying to be accepted , I am instantly drawn again into fear, never being enough and knowing it will only take more and more to achieve a false serenity.

This is true also of acquiring stuff, buying things on sale (because it’s a bargain, right?)!, and excess spending. All leave me wanting more and never enough!

The 12 Steps have given me the ability to see and hear( from sponsors and other fellow food addicts) when I am displacing my Higher Power with something else that will give me far, far less and even harm me. My God has never in my entire life caused me harm. Only love, goodness, acceptance and the knowledge that where I am today is ok. As long as I am willing to ask His will for me today and follow through with that, I will be ok: even at peace.

Excess food( our disease) and people pleasing, excess spending and acquiring “ stuff” will never ever give me the peace He ( my HP) brings.

Today I wish for you the willingness to keep God in His God Place. Displacing HP with the false things that bring us that false sense of peace will only feed The Disease and make it grow.

Much Love To All My Fellows,

– Andrea F., Indianapolis, IN


The Higher Power Issue

Early on I really struggled with a concept of a Higher Power. Not having a religious background, I came in as a total spiritual novice. Nothing felt familiar. I had thrown up some foxhole prayers to something in my darkest days but never felt I got a response.

I just couldn’t do the traditional God relationship thing. Thank goodness for “as we understand God”.

But I did realize early on that I needed something outside myself to help me recover. At first it was my sponsor and the group. But they weren’t always available and they are human.

Eventually I developed a concept of a personal Higher Power. She is my Higher Power. I have no idea what else she is concerned about, if anything. When I ask, she infuses me with willingness, strength and the ability to do the next right thing, abstain and be useful. My life is wonderful with her help.

I have to leave it there. It’s ok that I don’t know all the answers or specifics. She and the fellowship help me stay sane and abstinent and I say thank you every single day.



A Day in the Life of a new Region Representative at Assembly (A Green Dot)

I was a little anxious about how the Spring Region 5 assembly would go. I had my agenda and all my other papers but I felt new and inexperienced. I knew everyone would be friendly and that I would at least know the people I was traveling with but what would it be like to do a 3 day business meeting?

I am half way through the weekend and I find myself pleasantly surprised. Everyone has good questions and the topics discussed are relevant.

How did I end up here? I have one and a half years of abstinence and I”ve been in OA for 4 years. I’ve lost and and kept off 57 pounds. I am committed to the OA way of life. HP has given me a life that has purpose and joy and I don’t ever want to go back to the depression, self pity and selfishness of my life before OA. I had been an intergroup representative for 2 years when the call came for a delegate. I thought “What’s a delegate?” I asked a couple of board members and a former WSO trustee what a delegate does. I found out that a delegate represents intergroup at Region 5 Assemblies and World Service Business Conference. We vote on policies that affect OA as a whole. I was voted in by my fellows in December and now I’m sitting here at my first Region Assembly. And I am going to WSBC in April.

Since its my first assembly and will be my first World Service Business Conference, I’m considered a “Green Dot”. My name tag has an actual green dot on it which signifies that I am new and might ask questions or need direction during the meetings. Everyone has been so welcoming and generous with their time. They’ve made it easy for me to be involved and join in.

I know HP gave me the desire to serve as a delegate and I am so happy to do it. I’ve found that if God gives me a nudge to do something and I do it, the results are so much better then if I resist what God is calling me to do. Doing this service is just right for me right now and I am sure HP will give me the ability to do it well. Next month I’m off to Albuquerque where I will again be a Green Dot. I will have to chance to serve HP, other delegates, my region, my intergroup and help myself. I look forward as I trudge the Happy Road of Destiny. You can’t beat that!

— Yvonne C.



I lived several years of my life in bondage to food. I felt I had no choice. I had to eat. I had to hide my eating and lie about my eating. The shame was immeasurable and always with me.

I was in bondage to other things as well. What others thought about me, trying to please whoever I was with at the moment while constantly striving and manipulating to get my own way, usually by passive aggressive means. Life was simply exhausting. My mind was like a hamster running on a wheel, it just never stopped. I was totally alone in my head and could see no way out. The idea of help from a Higher Power never even occurred to me. I needed to figure this stuff out on my own and the prison my life had become began to seem permanent. I just figured that some people get to be happy and some don’t.

And then I came to OA. And you told me I could be free. It took some time but gradually i began to let go. To let go of my defiance, my puny self reliance, and a whole lot of bad attitudes. I began to look at my life in the light of “what’s the next right thing”. I began to ask “how and what does my Higher Power want me to be and do this day?”

With each day in recovery I receive more freedom and more blessings and more abundance.

I am now free to say “I made a mistake, I’m sorry and what can I do to make it right?” No shame involved. I’m free to take anything out of my closet and know it will fit. I’m free to like myself.

I have choices. I can choose the food that’s right for me. I can choose to say NO when it my not please someone else. I’m free to ask for help. My mind is free from turmoil most of the time. All these things are miracles to me.

I can reach out my hand to another compulsive overeater and share with them the freedom thats been given to me through the God of my understanding and OA. Thank you God, OA, and all my brothers and sisters who walk this path with me.

— Pam L


In OA or Out of OA?

My sponsor always asks “Are you better off in OA or our of OA?” And my answer to this question is I am definitely better in OA. God willing, I will have 5 years of abstinence April 18, 2023. I was first introduced to this amazing program in 1987and for the next 15 yeas I was actively involved in OA and it literally changed my life physically, emotionally and spiritually. I lost 167 lbs. and did service at the group, intergroup, region and world service levels.

But in 2002 I mad a fateful decision to leave OA and focus on my financial problems.The result was 10 years of hell, including a 100 lb. weight gain and suicidal thinking. Five years ago I moved to Kentucky, got a great sponsor and began working the steps again. I have lost about half of the weight I had regained and my relationship with my Higher Power is stronger then ever. I have returned to service at the group and intergroup level and recently attended my first region assembly as a “Green Dot”.

I can now say, with conviction, life is much better in OA then out of OA!

— Ed L.



I have changed since I first came to OA. From hopeless and depressed to feeling I was able to meet the challenges that life presents. I avoided making decisions, just letting things happen and doing only what was necessary. If I couldn’t do anything else, I could at least eat. I used to eat in front of the television and zone out. I was a perfectionist. If I couldn’t do the job well, I just didn’t do it. I had sidestepped living.

In OA, I began to do what was in front of me. I found it also made me happy. I realized what my shortcomings were. I could recognize them and pray for their removal. I do the footwork and act rather then react.

I have a new relationship with my Higher Power. I pause and listen for that intuitive thought or decision. I use my own brain with help from my HP. And now I know I don’t have to face life and it’s challenges alone.

— Kevin F.