
Keep It Simple

“For today, let me remember to keep it simple.” Voices of Recovery, p.351

All I have to do to keep my life simple is turn my will and my life over to the care of God, follow the OA Program 12 Steps, and utilize the Tools. As I read what I just wrote, I automatically sigh a sigh of relief. From my perspective, this is not difficult to do. I’ve been doing this to the best of my ability for many years. 

When I first joined OA, I thought there was going to be a food plan that someone was going to tell me to follow. But unlike all those lousy diets that I had started in my past, there was no food plan. Initially, I was confused, but eventually I trailblazed and with God’s help and the help of sponsors, I came up with my current food plan of proteins and carbs. It really works, and now I eat more healthfully than ever. 

My favorite tools are all the tools. I’ve learned to use them all, but I especially love attending meetings and being surrounded by all the loving and kind compulsive overeaters. And just as promised, my character defects were revealed to me and now, thanks to praying to HP for help to be relieved of them, they are seldomly in charge. 

So, it seems to me that I’m keeping it simple, just as the slogan suggests. And here are a couple of other OA slogans: “It works when we work it“, and “Together we get Better”.
—    Bobbi P