I grew up believing God was all-knowing, all-powerful, and ever-present. However, it wasn’t until midlife, with the removal of the food barrier, that I felt loved by Creator God. Through the Twelve Steps and the camaraderie of other recovering compulsive eaters, I experienced God’s mercy, His greatest attribute.
While reading in “We Agnostics,” I became aware that the scale was my golden calf. I had been going to the scale every day monitoring the fluctuating ounces that would determine my self-worth for the next 24 hours. I was devastated! I had become a slave to the scale. I want to note that this incident was 26 months after I stopped that behavior, because at my first meeting I learned I had a disease and God would take care of my food and weight, if I let Him.
The God of my childhood is the same God in my adulthood, but with more mystery and majesty. I am so grateful to have experienced God’s mercy and been relieved of an oppressive disease.
— N.J.