Online Articles

The Practice of 2-way Prayer

NEW ARTICLE! I have recently been introduced to the practice of 2-way prayer. For those who are unfamiliar, this is a practice in which one writes out a question to

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Making My Case

My case against french fries: potatoes, of themselves, are a fine food. However, if they are deep fried, eating them can affect my health, my weight, lay the groundwork for

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Surrender to HP

“When all is said and done, all we can do is surrender to God and accept the situation. Any other route will keep us in bondage. God wants me to

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Technology and Program

I once heard that if you aren’t dead you need to learn how to use it! This was referring to technology like Zoom, Smart phones, computer skills and Apps. What

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Going to Any Length

When I came into program originally, I resided in the Northeast Portion of Pennsylvania, in a small town that had only one OA meeting. The closest meeting outside of my

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Step 9 Forgiveness and Love

Make amends if you found any….how about yourself??? Principal of step 9 is LOVE. I suggest this month to look at 1. Have I always loved myself 2. When did

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ADhD Girl Struggles with Meditation

I have been told that prayer and meditation will help my recovery.  I believe that.  I pray often, throughout the day, but struggle with meditation.  But why? With this mind racing here and

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Grief and Recovery

As I sit here in Edinburgh, IN while attending the Region 5 Assembly, I reflect on the year 2023. This year has been particularly difficult for me. The year began

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A Grateful Rep

I arrived to Fall Assembly without my suitcase. I left the darn thing at my house. HP put an outlet mall across the street! I did not need to admit

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Voices of Recovery, page 204

“. . . when I’m abstinent, I feel good; when I’m into the food, my life is unmanageable” With over seventeen years in program, I have seen and done it

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Where Does the Money go…

Region 5 uses the guidance of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of Overeaters Anonymous to manage contributions from groups and individuals. The Bylaws and Policies and Procedures

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Concept One – Unity

The ultimate responsibility and authority for OA world services reside in the collective conscience of our whole Fellowship. As I read this and the explanation in “The Twelve Concepts of

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What is in My Head?

“What’s in my head?” Disappointment, desire, wistfulness, resentment, restriction Wondering Believing, trusting, honoring, resting, stepping, leaning Arriving I am in God’s arms for today! – Yvonne C

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Displacing Higher Power

Hello Fellow Food Addicts! I’m so grateful to be able to say that and know I am talking to people who understand that staying out of the food is about

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The Higher Power Issue

Early on I really struggled with a concept of a Higher Power. Not having a religious background, I came in as a total spiritual novice. Nothing felt familiar. I had

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I lived several years of my life in bondage to food. I felt I had no choice. I had to eat. I had to hide my eating and lie about

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In OA or Out of OA?

My sponsor always asks “Are you better off in OA or our of OA?” And my answer to this question is I am definitely better in OA. God willing, I

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I have changed since I first came to OA. From hopeless and depressed to feeling I was able to meet the challenges that life presents. I avoided making decisions, just

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Service is Healing

I have my recovery A gift I ask for each day It will not still be mine Less I give it away Life can be painful Losing our “treats”, our

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Events, Large and Small

I had the great gift of attending the OA 63rd Birthday Party in Los Angeles, CA this past January. The theme was The Age of Miracles and there were over

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Food for Thought

When something is eating away at me, I can discuss it with program friends. When there’s too much on my plate, and I’ve bitten off more than I can chew,

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Stay Teachable

This eve I got a welcome, and kind of funny, example of HP doing for me what I could not do for myself. My dear friend who calls from time to time

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I Slipped and Fell

“Ow,” I shouted in my head and into the cold, dark night. I was lying on my back, my left leg tucked under me in an odd position. There was

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What seed?

I often repeat the phrase, “You can only plant the seed, you don’t know how much BS (manure) it will need before it grows.” I’m sitting here crying tonight as

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OA Humor

A fellowship friend was supposed to meet me at an OA meeting, but her car broke down en route. She sent me a message later that night that read, “By

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An OA Poem

“The Past is littered with resentments.Fear haunts the Future.The Present is a Gift, safe and joyful!The Road to Humility is paved with Surrender mixed with Acceptance.The Destination is Sacred Awe.”—

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Carrying the Message

NEW ARTICLE! “Tradition 5:  Each group has but one primary purpose — to carry its message to the compulsive overeater who still suffers.” Since February of 2020, tradition five seems like

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Before and After OA

Before OA: Confused Alienated Resentful Offended Lonely After OA: Compassionate Amazed Recovering Optimistic Loving — Carol D.    

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Article 6 – New Intergroup Series

Have you had a time where you were lost in program?  How did you find your way? I’m lost right now.  I have been in OA 14 months.  This is my 1st in-person meeting.  I

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KG, Go Home

“You need to develop your own concept of God” my first sponsor said to me. That was quite a 180 for me. I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian community.

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Finding a Higher Power

I came to OA because I was sick and tired of compulsive overeating and I was grossly obese. Nothing had worked for the long haul and here I was told

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More Than Power

I grew up believing God was all-knowing, all-powerful, and ever-present. However, it wasn’t until midlife, with the removal of the food barrier, that I felt loved by Creator God. Through

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Three Blocks to My HP

When I read the topic for our newsletter this month, I automatically thought of page 55 in the Big Book. In the chapter We Agnostics it explains that God (my Higher Power)

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Last night I gave a lead in which I talked about learning to say “no” to people. I feel this was one of the hardest lessons I have ever learned.

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Why I Pray, Why I Write

I woke this morning afraid and anxious about an upcoming meeting. Before OA, I would have felt stuffed from overeating and totally stressed-out from over-working to prepare. And/or I would

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Keep It Simple

“For today, let me remember to keep it simple.” Voices of Recovery, p.351 All I have to do to keep my life simple is turn my will and my life over

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I Am Abstinent No Matter What

A foot of snow is on the ground. I am abstinent. These two statements don’t make much sense side-by-side, but they are linked. When I was starving as a buffer

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Why I Sponsor

We sponsor because as it says in The Big Book, to keep our recovery, we have to give it away or pass it on. Step 12 says, “Having had a spiritual

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The Paradoxes of Recovery

Recovery is full of paradoxes. You know what I mean, things that seem to be contradictory, but when practiced, turn out to be true. The biggest paradox in program is

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What Does Recovered Mean to Me?

When I first heard the term recovered, I bristled, saying to myself we are never recovered, always recovering. Well, I found that the Big Book of Alcoholics says the word recovered several times, beginning with the

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To New Members

I was once where you are. Emotionally spent. I had been struggling alone with food and weight since puberty. Then I bumped into the Twelve Steps. It was in Overeaters

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The Gift of Covid-19

Yeah, we all received that gift this year. No hugs good-bye or hello to family or friends. Instead, we Zoom and send posts in Instagram. We have memories of those

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Miracles Melbourne

Who would have thought that being shut in the house due to a pandemic would allow me to get out of myself, around the world, and into a new way

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The Importance of Connection in OA

How important is that connection with another fellow? I didn’t realize how important it was to interact with those we would normally see at face to face meetings. It’s been

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Self-Amends Prayer

As a part of making amends to myself, which was suggested by my sponsor, I created the following prayer. The prayer lists positive characteristics that oppose my character defects, which I discovered when working my Fourth and Fifth Steps. By saying this

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Region 5 Online Meetings

From the 2020 Spring Issue of Freedom From Bondage Print/PDF Newsletter Region 5 has budgeted to provide video conference service to facilitate online committee and intergroup meetings between assemblies.  This service provides

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Looking Back on What Went Right

From the 2020 Spring Issue of Freedom From Bondage Print/PDF Newsletter 60 years of OA.  I feel blessed to have had OA in my life for nearly the last 2 years.  I

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A Personal History in OA Meetings

From the 2020 Spring Issue of Freedom From Bondage Print/PDF Newsletter I came into OA in 1986 suffering from panic attacks and nightmares. That year my oldest daughter got married and moved

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