Hello my friends
You are invited to the Region 5 2020 Fall Assembly on October 30th, 31st, and November 1st, 2020. Please see the proposed agenda for the times of all events.
We will be discussing all of Region 5’s current business, Intergroup Sharing, and will have breakout rooms for both Business Committees and then Outreach Sub-Committees. We will be voting on 2 Bylaws Amendments, 2 Policy Amendments, and the 2021 Budget. We will also be holding elections for Region 5 Chair and Treasurer.
This event is for Region 5 Representatives from the regions intergroups. However, you do not need to be a Region 5 Representative to attend. All Region 5 OA members are welcome. You can join as a visitor. The best part there is no charge for this event. It is 100% free. Bring your friends. We can accommodate up to 100 people.
This conference will be on Zoom, so you can attend from the comfort and safety of your home.
To attend you must register. You cannot attend if you do not have a personal invitation with a link and password.
Please register by clicking on this link: https://OARegion5.regfox.com/region-5-fall-2020-assembly. Registration will open from 9/18/2020 thru 10/16/2020. Though you can still register as a visitor up till the start of the Assembly on Friday October 30th, 2020.
Here are some additional details
I recommend you set up a calendar meeting to remember to join the meeting.
Computer Requirements
1. Computer with speaker, microphone, and video camera
2. Processor: Minimum Single Core 1Ghz or Higher, 2GB Ram
3. Bandwidth: Minimum 600kbps/1.2Mbps (up/down) for high quality video
4. Windows XP or better or Mac OS X with MacOS 10.7 or later
5. Windows: IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari5+
To join the meeting click the link above and follow the instructions. You may need to download a Windows or Mac app that will assist in connecting to the meeting. If you are prompted to enter the meeting ID use the one listed in the email you will receive after registering. There maybe a password you will also have to enter. You may also be prompted to start the meeting: Click the start with Video button.
Sometimes when you start the meeting your audio may be disconnected. If you look in the lower left-hand corner there will be button with a microphone. If this button has a red line through it then your audio has been disabled. Click the button to enable it.
You can also join the meeting using your Smart Phone. Just download and install the Zoom Cloud Conferencing App on to your phone and then join the meeting using the meeting ID list above.
- A01 – R5 2020 Fall Assembly Secretary Letter.pdf
- A02 – R5 2020 Fall Assembly Agenda.pdf
- A03 – Zoom Connection Information.pdf
- A04 – Funding Assist Form 2018.pdf
- A05 – Region 5 2020 Spring Assembly Minutes v3.pdf
- A06 – Region 5 2020 Summer Conference Minutes V2.pdf
- A07 – R5 2020 Fall Assembly Motions.pdf
- A10 – R5 2020 Fall Assembly Chair Application Jennifer L.pdf
- A11 – R5 2020 Fall Assembly Chair Application Eileen C.pdf
- A12 – R5 2020 Fall Assembly Treasurer Application Linda P.pdf
- A20 – Region 5 Bylaws.2017-11.pdf
- A21 – Region 5 Policies and Procedures 2020-03.pdf
- A22 – Region 5 Standing Rules.2017-11.pdf
- A23 – Region 5 Convention Guide.2016-11.pdf
- A24 – Region 5 AssemblyInfo 2019-01.pdf
- A25 – Region 5 Assembly Handbook 2020-04.pdf
- A30 – R5 Business Committee Form.pdf
- A31 – R5 Outreach Committee Form.pdf
- A32 – R5 Committee Contact Form.pdf
- A33 – Application for Region 5 Officer.pdf
- A34 – DelegateAppFor2021.pdf
- B01 Fall Assembly Secretary Letter
- B02 Fall Assembly Credentials
- B03 Fall Assembly Chair Report
- B04 Fall Assembly Treasurer Report
- B05 Fall Assembly Trustee Report
- B08 Fall Assembly Convention Committee Report
- B09 Fall Assembly Media Committee Report
- B10 Fall Assembly Each One Reach One Subcommittee Report
- B11 Fall Assembly Intergroup to Intergroup Subcommittee Report
- B12 Fall Assembly Sponsorship Task Force Report
- B13 Fall Assembly Balance Sheet
- B14 Fall Assembly Budget to Actual Jan – Sep
- B15 Fall Assembly 1-1-20 to 9-30-20 Profit and Loss with Comments
- B16 Fall Assembly Meeting Contributions Detail
- C01 Region 5 2020 Fall Assembly Secretary Letter
- C02 Region 5 2020 Fall Assembly Minutes V2
- C03 Fall 2020 Assembly Credentials
- C04 Region 5 Standing Rules.2020-10
- CO5 R5 2020 Fall Assembly Amended Agenda
- C06 Region 5 Bylaws Amendment C
- C07 Application for Region 5 Officer
- CF1 Revised 2020 Budget to Actual Jan-Sep
- CF2 2020 Convention Income & Expenses
- CF3 Revised Profit & Loss January thru September
- CF4 Approved 2021 Proposed Budget 10-31-2020
- CF5 Region 5 Contribution Form 2020
- CF6 Region 5 Funding Assistance Form 2020
- CF7 Region 6 Funding Assistance Form 2020
- CF8 Region 5 Credit Card Expense Form 2020